Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I saw this picture of a little sparrow singing his heart out while around him a storm threatened to blow off his wing feathers. Right now I feel a bit of the storm. Life is somewhat unsettling, and it's only by remembering that spunky sparrow that I'm not discouraged. I'm thankful for a God who keeps our hearts calm if we ask and choose to sing the song He puts on our lips.
Anyway, I know this is cryptic. :) It's meant to be, a little. And meanwhile, I am enjoying the spring weather and the thought of only three more full weeks of school and the anticipation of a trip out of town this weekend! I love fresh starts, all kinds: newly sharpened pencils, a just-filled glass of water, the way a soft-serve ice cream cone has that little swirled tip at the top. So spring and a different routine and new places are great.
God just reminded me of those things, and now I have more to sing about. Isn't He good?

2 musings:

Jeff said...

Indeed, God is good. And, yes, the post was cryptic. Good stuff.

I've been working at the Mill's outlet store, so now I see your dad downtown sometimes. He has stopped in to chat since it's pretty slow in the store sometimes.

The Mrs. and I are still looking for our new beginning.

Another new beginning is happening in early May at How's that for a shameless self advertisement. I'm starting a blog/reading project. If you and Mitch are interested, it would be great to hear your stories.

Happy Sabbath, Jeff

j.tome said...

Thank you. :) Will have to check on that website.

Also, I hear congratulations are in order? Yay for you and the new job! I'm so glad!

James 1:17 comes to mind.

And hey, thanks for chatting with my dad.