Saturday, January 19, 2008


Downstairs, Mitch relaxes in dreamland. Upstairs, I sit in the "spare" bedroom full of junk and sunshine.

Time for an update. At the very least, I'll have this to look back on in five years...if the Internet does not implode.

In the last year, much has happened. New job, church, and home. New roommate. New name! Much has been amazing. Some not so great. I think of family who are sick, out of work, discouraged. Yet joy lurks, and the space around the darkest shadows shines. Life is not colorless.

Best events of 2007:
Communication & design learning at Union
Graduation weekend (again)
Guide internship
Finishing the first semester of teaching
Gettin' hitched!

Ah, the wedding weekend and its overwhelming emotions: stress, joy at seeing loved ones and friends, awe as you stand before the one you love and promise your lives to each other, shock when it is over and regret for the moments you missed with others.

And then, the honeymoon...

Hail, the conquering hero comes!

On the beach by the lodge.

And on Christmas morning!

More later.